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Pack Découverte Tookki

7 nov. 20195 min de lecture
CITYGUIDE Bordeaux : manger local, artisanal et de saison.
Tookki vous fait découvrir un petit échantillon de l’offre culinaire écoresponsable bordelaise, boulangeries artisanales, épicerie locale...

17 mai 20195 min de lecture
6 bonnes adresses pour manger bio à Paris
Suivez le guide Tookki du Paris vert, local et solidaire, et découvrez 6 bonnes adresses pour manger bio à Paris !

10 août 20181 min de lecture
Loyal Café
A RESPONSIBLE COFFEE Loyal is a #responsible coffee in style in the 9th district We are happy to drink coffee from a Parisian roaster,...

3 août 20182 min de lecture
SUNNY KITCHEN Lula, not so far from the Buttes-Chaumonts park in the 10th district, is a restaurant with a family kitchen and #vegetarian...

6 juil. 20181 min de lecture
FEEL AT HOME After you walk in the Jardin du Luxembourg, take a gourmet break to Huguette maison de famille, in the 6th district. You can...

15 juin 20182 min de lecture
Les bols d'Antoine
ORGANIC FOOD IN THE HEIGHTS OF PARIS Few steps away from the beautiful belvedere of Belleville Park in the 20th District, Les bols...

1 juin 20182 min de lecture
La Table du Caviste Bio
A RESPONSIBLE AND ORGANIC TABLE Just a few steps from the nice parc monceau, take a detour to the table du caviste bio in the 17th...

25 mai 20182 min de lecture
Marius et Lucien
WHERE TRANSPARENCY AND QUALITY ARE PRIORITIES At Marius & Lucien, this small restaurant of the 17th District, the products are carefully...

16 mai 20181 min de lecture
Le Grand Breguet
PERFECT ALLIANCE BETWEEN SIMPLICITY AND QUALITY Le Grand Breguet, is a friendly atmosphere in a vast industrial-style restoration area....

27 avr. 20182 min de lecture
Un Monde Gourmand
A GOURMET AND SOLIDARITY TABLE Craving for a copious meal, at a small price and in a solidarity restaurant? The team of Un Monde...

30 mars 20182 min de lecture
La REcyclerie
ECO-RESPONSABILITY FOR ALL In the north of the 18th district at the Porte de Clignancourt, you can discover a completely atypical place....

2 mars 20182 min de lecture
Fluctuat Nec Mergitur
IN THE HEART OF PARIS Located on one of Paris' emblematic places, the café Fluctuat Nec Mergitur flies the city's motto on the square...

29 janv. 20182 min de lecture
A HEALTHY MEAL IN A RESPONSIBLE PLACE On the Grands Boulevards in the 9th district, you will find IMAGO Resto, a perfect canteen for a...

18 déc. 20172 min de lecture
Pur Etc
NO WASTE, ONLY JARS OF GLASS For a few years now, I am a regular of Pur Etc Paris, Rue Des Jeûneurs in the 2nd district. It is a simple...

8 déc. 20172 min de lecture
Malongo Café
ORGANIC, FAIR & ECOLOGICAL Between Saint-Michel and Odéon, in the 6th district, if you want to take a coffee break, then head to the...

3 déc. 20172 min de lecture
Hank Burger
REAL VEGAN BURGERS The tourist, the tata Monique, the nut, the rocker, the wrestler... welcome you with open "breads" at Hank Restaurant...

26 nov. 20172 min de lecture
A HUMAN RESTAURANT, ORGANIC & SEASONABLE In a decor combining materials and industrial spirit, in Yuman, we enjoy a simple and natural...

19 nov. 20172 min de lecture
Le Local Bio
HEALTHY, LOCAL & ORGANIC 54 Rue de l’Aqueduc, an socially-engaged place offers both a #grocery with #local products, #seasonal fruits and...

17 nov. 20172 min de lecture
Le Tablier Rouge
ORGANIC WINES IN A HOMEMADE FOOD RESTAURANT Le Tablier Rouge brings together two places in one: a wine cellar and a restaurant. A double...

12 nov. 20172 min de lecture
A LOVE OF MACROBIOTIC For 37 years, Guenmaï has been the #macrobiotic spearhead in the heart of Saint-Germain district. You can eat...
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